Sunday, April 27, 2008

Top Ten Outdoor Gardening Tips for Fall

Your garden should be relaxing and pleasant place to be in every season. Keeping your inviting open spaces is very easy with these tips for yards and gardens into the water fall.

1. Keep your water in the fountain in the open air or in the garden pond free of fallen leaves. Not only the leaves and other fallen decomposition of organic matter in your pond and cause problems with bacteria and algae, they can also clog your pump. Skim the surface of the leaves leave daily, and do not forget to use algaecide for the fountain, such as No More Algae for Fountains (found at

2. Clean your fountain pumps to discharge water for the winter. This ensures that any debris inside the pump will not be left to dry and clog internal work as soon as you emptied the water from its fountain. Remove cover and remove anything that may have accumulated inside.

3. Protect your fountain of cracks due to expansion and contraction of water as it stops and thaws. Buying a fountain cover in the appropriate size and cover the fountain from the top to the bottom of the basin (pedestals should not be covered). This would allow sediment to keep from falling basins and damaging.

4. Prepare a water garden for the upcoming freeze in tone all Hardy perennial aquatics in the deepest area pond. This will keep them in warm water, and allow them to go dormant for the winter without damage.

5. If your pond is too shallow to absorb your plants for the winter, buy a de-icer. De-iCERs heat a small hole at the top of the pond, where it tends to be more freeze, which allows the release of toxic gases from the decomposition of organic matter to escape, as well as oxygenating the water.

6. If you add to your landscape or water in the garden of tropical plants, it is better to remove them for the winter, if you live in mild climate. They will not survive cold weather, and how they decay, they can cause damage to other plants around them. It is recommended to treat them as annuals and buy new each spring.

7. Do not decrease your perennial plants down during the winter - to leave them permanently so they can provide resources for birds. Many plants have attractive foliage and seed pods that offer both food and shelter during the month, when the snow as it can be difficult to find birds. Birds need water, as well as - to use plastic container and replace water frequently.

8. Mulch around perennial plants and well-established plants to maintain a uniform temperature of soil and add a few additional weeks for the development of newly planted root trees and bushes.

9. Give your garden a good fall cleaning to prevent disease and insect problems next year. Ulcers, mildew, fungi and other problem spots in your yard can spread to other plant life if rotting vegetable matter and allowed delayed spread around by wind and water. Prune dead branches, gathering fallen leaves and collect piles of yard waste and either burn, bury or compost.

10. Plant spring bulbs in October. Planting tulips, Crocus, daffodils and other flower bulbs, this time will give the roots time to get to the warm weather rolls back around. Prepare the soil to ensure that it has good drainage. Soil Fertility is also important - to complete the work of commercial fertilizers in the ceiling of 4 to 6 inches of soil. The depth of soil above bulb should be about twice the diameter of the bulb.

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